When It Started Getting BIG
There’s something magical about these vintage pedals that make them sound so good?!
From the first note on the Colorsound (Sola Sound) Supa Tonebender, we were blown away by powerful and organic fuzz tones.
Believe it or not, Sola Sound built the Supa Tonebender as a clone of EHX’s 1973 notorious Ram’s Head Big Muff (V2).
It seem that their goal was to build an exact clone but at the end they modified the circuit a bit.
Some websites claim that Jimmy Page used the Supa Tonebender, we think he only used the previous Sola Sound Tonebender versions from the late ’60s.
One notable guitar player that did use the Colorsound Supa Tonebender is Steve Hackett from Genesis who apparently had a lot of fun using this unit.